The Wild Wonders Foundation supports initiatives that aim to reveal the beauty and importance of our natural heritage, as well as the conservation issues this heritage is facing. Initiatives that strive to use the emotional power of great photography, videography and other media, in favour of conservation.
Combining facts and common language with powerful imagery to communicate conservation messages to large audiences.
Great photography and videography has been used as a successful tool for creating wide public interest in the safeguarding of species and habitats, and for raising financial support for all of the big conservation campaigns of our times.
Despite this, the much needed investments in visual communication, and the production of project-specific, top-class photography and videography, are not always included in the budgets of today’s conservation initiatives. At the same time, lots of people still don’t know about the peril that species and habitats around us are in, nor about their mere existence, or their beauty, their natural history and their importance for our own wellbeing.
Nor about the economic values that can spawn from un-spoilt nature, creating local business, jobs and incomes.
Powerful, visually-based communication can help close that gap and thereby help preserve biodiversity at a global scale.